Module C: Maintaining, Tapering, Discontinuing, or Switching from Full Agonist Opioids
Establish indication to maintain, taper, discontinue, or switch from full agonist opioids. (See Sidebars H and I below for guidance.)
Repeat comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment. (see Sidebars A and C)
Does the patient demonstrate signs or symptoms of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)? (see VA/DoD SUD CPG)
- Initiate or refer to SUD treatment with appropriate monitoring and follow-up (e.g., MOUD, treatment for comorbidities) (see VA/DoD SUD CPG above)
- Consider switch to partial agonist opioids or taper opioids to discontinuation (see Sidebar J)
- Manage with non-opioid modalities (see Sidebar B)
Does the patient demonstrate signs or symptoms of Substance User Disorder (SUD)? (see VA/DoD SUD CPG) - continued